I got implants in 2001 after ending an abusive marriage, my self-esteem was at an all time low. They gave me more confidence, but I started having rashes on my chest immediately, and over 50 symptoms, I felt like I was going to die. After removal I felt amazing and FULLY HEALED!
When I got them, I thought I finally tapped into my power, felt beyond confident, sexy and magnetic. The last 2 years I felt like I was turning into an old woman – horrible health effects. I have no regrets but I would encourage my younger self to think ahead about possible costs & complications.
Implants helped me as a single mom create more income dancing. It was a business decision and lasted 11 years. I knew they were not healthy, but avoided the research as to why. Post explant I feel Magical! Like taking off a pair of permanent stilettos. Back and neck pain gone…
I learned as a young girl it was important to have large breasts. Later in life as a bodybuilder, I sought out to achieve that “look”. It wasn’t love at first sight but I learned to love them. Within 6-9 months, a long list of symptoms developed including stage 4 endometriosis, parts removed and possible infertility. Post explant, all symptoms resolved and combined with mindset work, this journey taught me who I am and how I should be living.
My husband is a “boob-man” and I wanted to feel sexier in the bedroom. I loved how they looked, they were gorgeous. When symptoms started I went to every doctor to get answers, everyday there was a new “symptom”. I started planning my funeral because I thought I was going to die. Post explant. I have reclaimed my health for good.
On the other side of Toxic Beauty, I discovered my Natural Beauty…then moved to Sedona, AZ to celebrate the splendor of God’s Beauty! Now my mission is to help you connect to your own!
Want to take your Killer Breasts to the Next Level, my Natural Beauty Queen sister?
I invite you to invest in yourself with my program, for a more intimate experience along your journey.
How valuable would it be to have a coach guiding you along every step of the way?
There are far too many details, questions and moving pieces in your body that deserve better than simply explanting, which is Step 1 of your healing path, but not the last.
NO Woman enduring Explant should be without this, it is the EXACT template I followed from Silicone Suffering to Self Love Sovereignty.
It took me years to gather this research, trial and error, making mistakes, taking risks, figuring out the best way, and wasting unnecessary time, money and energy that you won’t have to… and it can be yours with just one click
Disclaimer: Wellness takes work. We coached every one of our patients through fear, overwhelm, and symptom challenges to remove the root causes in order to MASSIVELY Up-level their Energy, Immunity, Beauty and Vitality. Your body is different, therefore your results will be different, and so too will be your perfect health journey to get there. We are not a “pill fix”, “trendy diet” or “overnight fix”, we’re a High Performance Team committed to help you heal it all! If you’re ready to go ALL IN with our tribe, we’re here to help every step of the way.
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