While you wait, we invite you to check out this special offer on the Explant Solution to go deeper with your healing journey.

Welcome, sister!
If you landed here, you are either a woman with implants or who has explanted…and is searching for guidance on how to get her life back, beyond explant. You’re here to overcome Breast Implant Illness. You’re here for hope, health advice and healing strategies, amidst the myriad of conflicting advice that overwhelms you. You just want someone you can trust to guide you who has been through this experience, knows it inside out and can tell you exactly what to do. I hear you, I’ve been there too, and since I couldn’t find the “All In One Roadmap”, I wrote it myself….because what I learned was this:
“Removing your breast implants is Only Step 1 to Healing…and only HALF the battle” . The good news is that I will teach you ‘the other HALF’ through this program, Overcoming BII, the Explant Solution you’ve been searching for.

Your healing journey can and should be quick, and the road to recovery doesn’t need to be confusing…this is my gift to help you Cleanse your body while Healing your Hormones, Gut and Trauma, from the damage caused by implants, beauty toxins, emotional stress and more. I will also teach you how you can STILL have beautiful breasts, after you ditch your ‘Killer Breasts’.
- There have been ZERO long term studies by the FDA to support safety of implants
- A 100,000+ women university study concluded that: The risk of certain autoimmune diseases increased by up to 800%, including Rheumatoid arthritis, Hashimoto’s, Fibromyalgia, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus and more.
- Breast implants are filled with 30+ toxins like Heavy Metals, Neurotoxins, Carcinogens and Endocrine Disruptors.
- Women with implants have higher incidences of leaky gut, food and chemical sensitivities, pathogenic and viral overload especially chronic candida & bacterial infections, estrogen dominance & hormonal imbalances, sex, stress and sleep hormone deficiencies, skin issues and more..
- Women with implants are FIVE to SEVEN times more likely to be taking antidepressants
- Stillbirths increased by 450% in the women with implants who became pregnant
- Within the first THREE years, 50-75% have major complications HAVE MAJOR complications, such as pain, infection, hardening, or the need for additional surgery.
- Women with any kind of breast surgery, including breast implant surgery, are at least THREE times as likely to have an inadequate milk supply for breastfeeding
- They all bleed, leak or rupture...eventually: - Between 3-9% break within the first three years, some as high as 3-20%. - Most implants last TEN years. By around 11-20 years, most will break. After 20 years, the few that are still intact will break. - In a study conducted by FDA scientists, most women had at least one broken implant within 11 years, and the likelihood of rupture increases every year
- Women who have breast implants are THREE times more likely to commit suicide
The continued use of breast Implants, despite no long term research to prove their ‘safety’, is on part to be one of the biggest FDA cover ups next to Round-Up/Glyphosate
After being in the holistic health industry for 10 years, having run thousands of functional medicine labs, assessing toxic load, and emotional trauma from breast implants, I have witnessed first hand the destruction they cause to a woman’s body.
And I am here to help you Overcome that!
Acclaimed Functional Nutritionist and fearless holistic wellness expert Diane Kazer explores the toxic truth about Breast Implants and provides proven strategies for overcoming breast implant illness symptoms such as Hormone Imbalances, Autoimmune Conditions, Skin issues, Digestive upset & Symptom Chaos. Your worth, your purpose and your heart are much bigger than the implants that are blocking it!
Diane provides an advanced cleanse, heal your entire body approach, and the key to unlock your body’s innate intelligence. In this online program, you’ll learn how to become your own best healer and transform your life from the inside out, starting with explant surgery.

- The toxic truth about breast implants every woman should know and your doctor didn't tell you.
- The Explant myth. Removing them is crucial but won't fix the real reason you're still not thriving. (Note: It's likely not what you've heard, and you'll love the answer!)
- The right way to detox and heal your gut, brain and hormones at the same time without losing your $hit. (most get this wrong, feel worse and go broke).
- My 3 step formula to address ALL of your symptoms, regardless of your diagnosis or 'mystery' ailments, plus radically ignite your life on ALL fronts (including the bedroom) 😉
- Discover your toxic 'score', and how to reverse it in months - naturally, economically and permanently.
- Why the labs your Doctors run are misleading (and they keep telling you "everything looks fine, it's all in your head") and what to do instead.
Since she had brain fog and irritability herself when she was ‘going through it’ with her own BII struggle, Diane writes in a comical, yet radically authentic way, increasing the likelihood you’ll become your own breast friend, and reducing the odds you throw marshmallows and toilet paper across the room when you can’t get a straight answer from your doctor as to why the frack your labs look normal, even though you feel like chit.
Physically, Emotionally & Spiritually

- Where do I begin?
- Who do I talk to?
- What doctor can I trust?
- How do I know it’s my implants causing me symptoms?
- Are my implants affecting my fertility, health of my baby and my ability to breastfeed?
- Are my implants affecting my fertility, health of my baby and my ability to breastfeed?
- What are my options with explant and breast revisions?
- How much will it cost?
- Can I still remove my ‘killer breasts’ and have beautiful natural ones?
- How do I talk to my loved ones about this?
- What are all the steps I absolutely must take prior to explant?
- How do I heal and detox my body post-explant?
- Who am I without my implants? I’m scared others won’t think I’m beautiful and they’ll ... leave me? Judge me? Feel sorry for me. Bully me!
- Will I feel beautiful without them?
- How do I do all of this without losing my mind?
- Or is this all in my head?
- I wish there was ONE resource that could help me with all of this, is there one?
- How can I get emotional support for identity shifts, post explant?
Module 1 – Module 21
1. My story & Getting to the Heart of Yours
2. What is Breast Implant Illness?
3. Do I have BII? What are the symptoms? If so, what now?
4. Choosing a Doctor & Questions to ask your Surgeon (including Recommended surgeon Resource)
5. Working with your Insurance
6. Proper Explant Procedures you Need to Know
7. Beautiful Breasts Post Explant – Fat transfer, lifts and Cosmetic options
8. “Crucial Conversations” – Self Love talk + communicating with Loved ones about Explant
9. Labs, Scans and Toxic Load Assessments
10. Creating your A Team of Explant Health Professionals
11. Finances & Explant – Saving $ & What to Expect
12. Diet recommendations & Reducing Inflammation (+ Fat Loss)
13. Fitness Pre & Post Explant
14. Reducing Toxic Load in Beauty & Beyond
15. Recommended products and supplements/things to prepare for surgery
16. Explant Checklist + Travel Packing guide
17. Top 5 Myths about BII to Reframe
18. Advanced Detox – Myths and Mastery Pre & Post Explant
19. Life After Explant & Changes to expect
20. Emotional Empowerment & Mindset Mastery
21. Going Deeper & Pulling it all Together
Lean into this library of liberation that will lift you into the light of looking inward for answers.
Yes! Yes there is. And you’ve found it!

- Access to all 21 Course Modules and Videos ($997)
- Go at your own pace - as Fast or Slow as you like
- The opportunity to connect with me in my online community for additional, customized support
- REAL talk on how to prepare for explant, how to partner with an experienced surgeon who genuinely cares to ensure a successful surgery, the right way to cleanse, and more…
- Discounts on Supplements & Detox Products
- Supplement Protocol ($297 value)
- Advanced Detox Strategy ($497 value)
- Lymphatic Drainage Guide ($37 value)
- The Warrior Cleanse Recipe Book ($37 value)
- Beauty Detox Checklist ($197 value)

Total Value $2,062
Killer Breast Book Offer $197
Before you even think for one moment…do I REALLY need this?
Look at it this way…
This will be one of the greatest investments in your explant journey. It took me 3 years of consistent research to figure this all out on my own, and you don’t have that kind of time, do you?
I spent thousands of dollars unnecessarily on things I learned I didn’t need, that I’ll share you won’t need either, and you don’t have that kind of money to waste…do you?
NEWS FLASH: I have worked with hundreds of women on this path and they are ALL spending money on labs, supplements, practitioners, treatments and more they don’t need and quite frankly don’t work, no fault of their own, they were simply misguided! They all said the same thing “I wish I knew this before, so I didn’t make this mistake and spend all this money”. You don’t want that to be you, do you?
For how much you *could* spend on the wrong things that don’t work, you will make this money back and then some. Plut it’s 916,365,293.7 TIMES the value of your lifelong health and rapid healing, IF you can even put a price on your health. Can you? I don’t think so.
PLUS, when you invest in your recovery #beyondthebreasts, you’re also giving back to the world. Literally.
I am going to ignite you with HOPE that you can heal.
I will educate you with the steps, solutions and supplements you will need to cleanse your body, heal your gut and hormones then ignite your life, beyond the damage your implants may have caused.
I will guide you toward the right kinds of labs, scans and symptom trackers you will need to determine where to begin.
And above all, I will empower you to make a powerfully informed choice on whether or not to explant, and if so, what the healing journey looks like, what to expect and how long it will take you to recover, because if you do remove your implants, there are things you must know about how to feel 2, 3 even 10 times better beyond the myth that: “Simply removing your breast implants will fix all of your health problems”.

Your life can and will improve many times over if you implement even 10% of the things I recommend in this program.

The major bonus is that I will not only help you overcome and heal from BII plus the symptoms of it such as autoimmune disease, hormone imbalances, mood issues and gut problems, it will also amplify your beauty, immunity, energy and vitality. Because when you heal all of your systems, you harmonize your whole body and as a result you amplify your entire life… & positively impact everyone in it!
I launched this for my former self who was lost in her 20’s, you who is soul searching to become THE BEST version of herself possible and to the little girls of the next generation who need healthy role models like us reflecting to them, that they are beautiful as they are, naturally.